Hero Swiper

New Here?

Show your community who you are, and what you are all about!

Need another slide?

The more the better! Easily add images, and find other ways for the community to be involved.

Oh and of-course, a call to action button below!


Lava Example:

    <div class="overflow-hidden">
    {[ heroswiper ]}
        [[ item
            title:'New Here?'
            subtitle:'Show your community who you are, and what you are all about!' ]]
        [[ enditem ]]
        [[ item
            title:'Need another slide?'
            subtitle:'The more the better! Easily add images, and find other ways for the community to be involved.' ]]
                <p class="mt-10 mb-4">Oh and of-course, a call to action button below!</p>
                <a href="/" class="mx-auto mb-24 text-white bg-c-primary border-0 py-4 px-16 focus:outline-none hover:bg-c-primary-700 text-uppercase font-bold transition duration-200 ease-in-out">Connect</a>
        [[ enditem ]]
    {[ endheroswiper ]}
