06/16/2024 Amazing Boldness

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We will explore themes of boldness, faith, and how our beliefs shape our behaviors, all rooted in scripture and inspired by the story of Peter.

Day 1

Acts 4:13

The leaders could see that Peter and John were ordinary men with no special training in scriptures. Yet, their extraordinary boldness amazed and perplexed many. This boldness stemmed not from their abilities, but from their deep and transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. Just like Peter and John, our acts of boldness for Christ can leave a lasting impact on those around us, even when we feel ordinary and unqualified.

By spending time with Jesus and building our faith, we equip ourselves to act boldly in various circumstances. Boldness is not about our strength, but about the strength we draw from our faith and our relationship with Jesus. As we immerse ourselves in His presence, our faith grows, leading us to live and act with confidence and courage that reflects our beliefs.

How have you seen God work through your life when you acted with boldness?
What fears are holding you back from being bold in your faith?
What are practical ways you can spend more time with Jesus to strengthen your faith?
Pray for the courage to act boldly in your daily life.
Ask God to reveal opportunities where you can show His love and grace through bold actions.

Day 2

Acts 4:29

‘And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.’ The early church prayed for boldness amidst threats and persecution. This prayer wasn't just for protection or survival, but for the strength to continue proclaiming the gospel fearlessly. When we pray for boldness, we align ourselves with God’s mission and rely on His strength to overcome our fears.

Boldness comes from a deep conviction in the truth of the gospel and the transformative power of Jesus. It’s about stepping out in faith, knowing that God is with us. When we pray for boldness, we should also be prepared for God to use us in extraordinary ways, often beyond what we could imagine. Trust that He will provide the words, courage, and opportunities to share His love and truth fearlessly.

What situations in your life require boldness that you need to pray for?
How can you practice praying for boldness daily?
What has God called you to that requires overcoming fear and stepping out in faith?
Ask God to give you boldness in sharing your faith with others.
Pray for wisdom and discernment in knowing when and how to act boldly.

Day 3

Acts 4:33

‘With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all.’ The apostles' testimony was filled with great power because it was fueled by their unwavering belief in the resurrection of Jesus. This belief was not just intellectual assent, but a transformative truth that empowered them to live and speak boldly.

Our boldness in faith grows as we deeply trust in the power of the resurrection and God's active grace in our lives. When we internalize the magnitude of Christ's resurrection, it shifts our perspective, enabling us to face challenges with courage and conviction. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work within us, and this truth should propel us to live boldly for Him.

How does the resurrection of Jesus impact your daily life and decisions?
In what areas of your life do you need to experience God’s grace more powerfully?
How can you be a witness to the resurrection's power in your community?
Pray for a deeper understanding and appreciation of the resurrection's impact on your life.
Ask God to show you His grace in tangible ways throughout your day.

Day 4

2 Timothy 1:7

‘For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’ This scripture reminds us that fear is not from God; instead, He has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. Boldness is a gift from God, cultivated through His spirit. When fear tries to hold us back, we must remember that God has equipped us to overcome it with His strength and through His love.

Embracing the spirit of power and love means stepping out in faith and acting in ways that reflect God's character. It involves loving others boldly, making decisions rooted in His wisdom, and displaying unwavering faith in His promises. As we lean into this truth, we become more confident in our ability to overcome obstacles and serve God fearlessly.

What fears have been preventing you from fully stepping into God’s plans for your life?
How can you practice operating in a spirit of power and love in your daily interactions?
What steps can you take to discipline your mind to reject fear and embrace faith?
Pray for the strength to reject fear and embrace the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.
Ask God to help you see opportunities to act boldly in His name.

Day 5

Hebrews 4:16

‘Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.’ Our boldness should not just be in our actions but also in our approach to God. We are invited to come before Him with confidence, knowing that we will receive mercy and grace. This confidence is rooted in our identity as beloved children of God, and it empowers us to live boldly.

When we approach God with boldness, it reflects our trust in His love and faithfulness. It allows us to face life's challenges with the assurance that He is with us. This relationship gives us the strength to act with courage and to extend His grace to others. As we grow in our relationship with God, our boldness in prayer and action will naturally increase.

How can you develop more confidence in approaching God in prayer?
What areas of your life do you need to bring before God's throne of grace?
How can you demonstrate God’s mercy and grace to those around you?
Pray for an increased sense of confidence in your relationship with God.
Ask for God's mercy and grace to be evident in your actions and interactions.