08/11/2024 Do What Makes You Happy

5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We will explore the profound lessons from the story of the adulterous woman and how Jesus' response teaches us about grace, repentance, and transformation. Each day will offer insights, personal reflection questions, and prayer prompts to help you grow in your faith journey.


Day 1

John 8:2-3

On the first day of our journey, we reflect on the moment when the adulterous woman was brought before Jesus in the temple courts. This passage challenges us to consider the hypocrisy in our judgment of others and to see the need for compassion and mercy. Jesus bent down to write on the ground, choosing not to condemn this woman but to teach a lesson on grace. He invites us to look at our own sins before pointing fingers at others.

We learn that Jesus' response is not about ignoring sin but about offering a path to redemption and a way to escape a life of sin. He shows that our duty is not to condemn but to guide others towards a new beginning.

How often do you find yourself judging others without reflecting on your own faults?
What does the act of Jesus writing in the ground symbolize to you?
How can you offer grace to others in your daily interactions?
Pray for the strength to see others as Jesus sees them.
Ask God to help you recognize and change any judgmental attitudes you hold.

Day 2

John 8:6-7

Today we delve into Jesus' famous words, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” This powerful statement stops the accusers in their tracks and exposes their own sins. It’s a reminder that none of us are without sin, and therefore, we do not have the authority to judge others harshly. Instead, we are called to self-reflection and humility.

Jesus’ approach shows the balance between justice and mercy. He acknowledges the woman’s sin but extends grace while calling her to a transformed life. As followers of Christ, we are to imitate this balance, addressing sin with love and offering redemption.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were quick to judge someone else?
What can you learn from Jesus’ response to the accusers?
How can you incorporate more humility into your daily life?
Pray for a heart that seeks understanding and compassion.
Ask God to reveal areas in your life where you can extend grace to others.

Day 3

John 8:9-10

As we focus on Jesus and the adulterous woman being left alone, we see a powerful moment of personal confrontation and grace. Jesus straightens up and asks her, “Where are they? Has no one condemned you?” When she replies, “No one, sir,” He declares, “Then neither do I condemn you.” Jesus’ words demonstrate His desire for us to experience freedom from condemnation and the guilt that often accompanies sin.

Jesus' pardon comes with a charge to “Go now and leave your life of sin.” It’s an invitation to embrace a new identity, one that is not defined by past mistakes but by the grace and love of God. This day calls us to accept Jesus’ forgiveness and to commit to living a changed life.

What does Jesus’ question “Where are they?” signify in your life?
How do you respond to Jesus’ offer of grace and lack of condemnation?
What steps can you take to leave behind a life of sin?
Pray for the courage to accept Jesus' forgiveness.
Ask God to help you identify and leave behind sinful habits.

Day 4

John 8:11

In this passage, the woman's encounter with Jesus transforms her existence. His command, “Go now and leave your life of sin,” implies urgency and the opportunity for immediate change. Jesus doesn’t condone her sin; He calls her to a higher standard, to a life of holiness and purpose. This scripture challenges us to recognize the urgency of turning away from sin and embracing the new life Jesus offers.

Transformation is a continuous process. Jesus’ words encourage us to take immediate steps towards repentance and change. It’s about making the decision now, not delaying the commitment to a righteous path. Today, focus on areas where immediate change is necessary.

What areas of your life need immediate change?
How does Jesus' command impact your understanding of repentance?
Why is urgency important in your spiritual growth?
Pray for the determination to make immediate changes in your life.
Ask God to highlight areas where urgent repentance is needed.

Day 5

Psalm 16:11

We conclude our devotional journey with the assurance of God's presence and joy. Psalm 16:11 reminds us that in God’s presence, there is fullness of joy and eternal pleasures. Despite the challenges and temptations we face, true happiness and contentment are found in a relationship with God. This scripture invites us to seek our joy in Him and to lower our earthly expectations, recognizing that ultimate satisfaction is spiritual and eternal.

As we reflect on this past week, we see that holiness and happiness are not mutually exclusive but are intertwined in God’s plan for us. Embracing a life set apart for God leads to a deeper, lasting joy than anything the world can offer. Let this truth guide all that you do.

Where do you currently seek your source of joy?
How has your understanding of joy and holiness been transformed?
What steps can you take to seek God's presence daily?
Pray for an increased awareness of God's presence in your life.
Ask God to help you find joy and pleasure in Him alone.