03/17/2024 - You Don't Win By Trying

This five-day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend, exploring the biblical call to run our spiritual race with purpose and discipline. Each day we will reflect upon Scripture, draw out practical applications, and engage in personal introspection to not only "try" but to "train" in our walk with God.


Day 1

1 Corinthians 9:24

The race of faith is not for the half-hearted. As we consider the Apostle Paul's charge to the Corinthians, we are reminded that intentionality and discipline are at the crux of a victorious spiritual life. To run to win is to move beyond mere attempts and embrace a wholehearted commitment to Christ.

In a world that glorifies coming in first in the earthly sense, how do we realign our hearts to prioritize the eternal over the temporal? It involves more than trying; it requires training in godliness, and making choices that reflect the holiness to which we are called.

How can I move from 'trying' to 'training' in my spiritual disciplines?
In which areas of my life do I need to embrace greater commitment to God?
What does 'running to win' look like in my daily walk with Jesus?
Pray for a heart that desires to run with purpose and win the heavenly prize.
Ask God to reveal any areas where you are merely trying without real commitment.

Day 2

1 Timothy 4:7-8

Training in godliness enriches our lives, both now and for eternity. While physical training has its merits, spiritual training has the promise of a lasting reward. To commit to this training is to recognize the eternal worth of cultivating a life that pleases God and reflects His character.

As we engage with the words of 1 Timothy, let us commit ourselves to the pursuit of godliness. This pursuit demands more than random or sporadic attempts. Instead, it calls for intentional and consistent dedication to spiritual growth.

What does it mean to 'train yourself to be godly' in a practical sense?
How can you incorporate consistent spiritual discipline into your routine?
What can you do today to take a step towards spiritual fitness?
Seek God’s guidance in creating a spiritual training regimen that aligns with His will.
Pray for endurance to maintain your spiritual disciplines even when it feels challenging.

Day 3

Hebrews 12:1-2

Surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, we are encouraged to lay aside every weight and sin that clings so closely, running with endurance the race set before us. The call to endurance suggests a long-term commitment, a spiritual marathon rather than a brief sprint.

Our eyes turn to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. In considering His example, we find the motivation to press on, to persevere through trials, and to fix our gaze upon the eternal reward that awaits us.

What 'weights' or distractions are hindering my focus on Christ?
How can I develop endurance in my faith journey?
In what ways does Jesus' life and sacrifice inspire me to persevere?
Ask God to help you identify and remove hindrances to your spiritual growth.
Pray for a steadfast spirit that looks to Jesus as the ultimate example of faithfulness.

Day 4

Galatians 5:7

You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth? At times, we may find that our spiritual progress seems stalled. Despite a good start, various factors can disrupt our obedience to God's truth – complacency, false teachings, or an unchecked sin in our lives.

To run well is to remain in alignment with the Gospel, allowing its truth to guide our steps and decisions. Let's reflect on the hindrances we face and recommit to running the race of faith with integrity and truth.

What has been hindering my obedience and spiritual momentum recently?
How can I guard against complacency in my walk with Christ?
What steps can I take to align my actions more closely with the truth of the Gospel?
Pray for discernment to recognize and overcome anything that hinders your spiritual progress.
Ask God for the strength to remain steadfast in your obedience to His truth.

Day 5

James 1:22

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. The distinction between hearing and doing is profound. James challenges us to be doers of the Word, not simply bystanders who nod in agreement but fail to act on spiritual truths.

As we culminate this devotional, let us strive to be active participants in the kingdom of God. To do this, we must apply the Word to our lives, step out in faith, and walk in obedience to God's commands.

Reflect on an area where you need to transition from listener to doer in your faith.
In what ways can you apply what you've learned this week to your life?
How can doing God's Word influence your relationships and community?
Ask for the courage to put the Word into practice, even in challenging circumstances.
Pray for opportunities to live out your faith and to impact those around you positively.