Pursuing Holiness Over Happiness: A Journey to True Fulfillment

In today's world, the pursuit of happiness often takes center stage. We are bombarded with messages that tell us to "live our best life now," "chase our dreams," and "do what makes us happy." But what if this relentless chase for happiness is leading us away from something far more profound and lasting? This is the question we explored in our recent sermon, and it's a question that challenges us to rethink our priorities.

The Happiness Gospel: A Misleading Path

The concept of the "happiness gospel" suggests that God's primary desire for us is to be happy. While it's true that God delights in our happiness, this is not His ultimate purpose for us. When we prioritize happiness over holiness, we risk turning God into a "cosmic coke machine," expecting Him to deliver our desires on demand. This mindset can lead to disappointment and even cause some to walk away from their faith when life doesn't go as planned.

Holiness: The True Calling

The Bible calls us to be holy, as God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). Holiness means being set apart, dedicated to God's purpose, and living a life that reflects His character. It's not about being perfect or having a boring life; rather, it's about finding true joy and fulfillment in a relationship with God. Holiness and happiness are not opposing values; they complement each other. True holiness leads to lasting happiness because it aligns us with God's will and purpose for our lives.

The Role of Pain and Growth

Often, our greatest growth occurs during times of discomfort and pain. These are the moments when we learn to trust and depend on God. When we pursue holiness, we embrace the challenges and trials that come our way, knowing that they are opportunities for transformation. As we draw closer to God, we discover that He is not just a means to happiness but the source of true joy and fulfillment.

Finding Joy in the Who, Not the What

King David's journey teaches us that lasting happiness is found in a "who," not a "what." In Psalm 16, David declares, "You are my Lord; apart from you, I have no good thing." Our joy and fulfillment come from our relationship with God, not from material possessions or fleeting pleasures. When we focus on God as our portion and our joy, we find a deeper, more enduring happiness.

A Call to Action

As we reflect on these truths, we are challenged to examine our own lives. Where are we pursuing happiness over holiness? What changes do we need to make to align our lives with God's purpose? It's time to pivot from the pursuit of temporary pleasures and embrace the lasting joy that comes from a life dedicated to God.

In conclusion, let us remember that God is real, God is good, and God cares deeply for us. He delights in our happiness, but His highest priority is our holiness. As we seek to live out this calling, may we find true fulfillment and joy in our relationship with Him. Let's pursue holiness over happiness and discover the abundant life that God has in store for us.

Michael Wurz

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