Men of the Edge

“Most men travel through life carefully projecting an image that says, ‘I’m okay.’ Privately, however, they are battling huge inner turmoil and conflict. Without healthy outlets and relationships to turn to, they are like that poor zebra isolated from the pack that soon becomes dinner for a prowling lion. In The Herd you will find men watching out for each other, and caring enough to confront one another in a Godly manner.”

Check out the Men’s Ministry here at The Edge, get to know us, and you’ll find the resources and support you need to help you live the life God meant for you to live. Here you’ll find men actively seeking God’s purpose and power in their lives. You’ll also find men who are willing to lift you up and support you in your daily walk with the Lord. You’ll find men who are progressing personally, spiritually, and relational as they learn how to become the man they were created to be – God’s Man.

The Edge is a church built on the five biblical purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission. Our goal is to help men understand and apply each of these purposes from a man’s unique perspective and responsibility.

For information about Men of The Edge contact Terry: