When what you do is not enough

Michael Wurz - 6/2/2024

In the hustle of everyday life, it's easy to equate our worth with our work, losing sight of our true identity. We chase after accomplishments, yet this pursuit often leads to a sense of inadequacy. However, the biblical teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5 remind us that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, metaphors that signify our inherent value and purpose that transcend our actions. Our true worth comes from being authentic to our God-given nature, not just from what we achieve. As we navigate life's distractions and pressures, it's important to remember who we are in Christ and to live out our calling with intention. By embracing our identity as God's people, we can courageously step out in faith, aligning our daily activities with our true identity and shining brightly as examples for others to follow.
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