06/09/2024 Normal isn't working

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We will explore important themes and scriptural insights that aim to transform how we think, live, and act as citizens of heaven.

Day 1

Scripture: Philippians 3:20

As believers, we are reminded that our true citizenship is not of this earth but of heaven where the Lord Jesus Christ reigns. This profound truth reshapes our identity and values, urging us to align ourselves not with earthly customs but with heavenly principles. Our conduct, therefore, should reflect our new identity in Christ, demonstrating values that set us apart from worldly pursuits.

The transformation begins with a heart and mind devoted to heavenly things, not earthly distractions. Paul’s declaration in Philippians 3:20 stands as a powerful reminder that though we reside on earth temporarily, our eternal home and allegiance are with Christ in the kingdom of heaven.

How does remembering your heavenly citizenship change the way you live daily?
Are there earthly customs or behaviors you need to let go of to align more with your heavenly identity?
How can you demonstrate your heavenly values in a tangible way this week?
Pray for courage to live out your heavenly identity courageously.
Ask God to help you identify and abandon any behavior not in alignment with His kingdom.

Day 2

Scripture: Romans 12:2

Romans 12:2 encourages us not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This verse speaks directly to the process of sanctification, wherein our character and mindset are progressively molded to reflect Jesus Christ. To be citizens of heaven means that our thinking, decisions, and actions must mirror the values of God's kingdom.

This transformation is continuous, requiring a daily commitment to submit our thoughts and attitudes to God's will. By doing so, we ensure that our lives are not shaped by fleeting worldly concerns but by eternal heavenly truths.

In what ways have worldly patterns influenced your thinking and decisions?
How can you actively renew your mind to align with God's will daily?
What steps can you take to resist conforming to the world's standards and values?
Pray for God's guidance in renewing your mind each day.
Seek the Lord’s strength to resist worldly influences and embrace heavenly values.

Day 3

Scripture: Colossians 3:1-2

Colossians 3:1-2 calls us to set our hearts and minds on things above, not on earthly things. This calls for a reorientation of our desires and focus, seeking what is eternal rather than temporal. As citizens of heaven, our goals and aspirations should reflect our allegiance to Christ and His kingdom.

Living with a heavenly perspective means prioritizing God's will and purposes over our own diminished earthly ambitions. This shift does not dismiss our earthly responsibilities but places them under the purview of God’s eternal kingdom, giving them true meaning and purpose.

How do your current desires align with the eternal purposes of God's kingdom?
What changes can you make to focus more on heavenly things in your daily life?
In what ways can you prioritize God's will in your decisions and plans?
Pray for a heart and mind fully engaged with God's eternal purposes.
Ask for the wisdom to see life from a heavenly perspective in all you do.

Day 4

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11

1 Peter 2:11 warns believers to abstain from sinful desires which wage war against our souls. As temporary residents and foreigners on this earth, our values and behaviors should stand out as distinctly different from the prevailing culture. This command reminds us of the spiritual battle we face, as our fleshly desires are in constant conflict with our heavenly calling.

This verse calls for vigilant self-control and intentional living, recognizing that our true identity is rooted in our citizenship of heaven. By living with this awareness, we resist the harmful patterns of the world and live as authentic representatives of Christ.

What sinful desires do you need to distance yourself from to live more fully as a citizen of heaven?
How can you practice self-control in areas of struggle and temptation?
What practical steps can you take to ensure your life stands out from the prevailing culture?
Pray for strength and vigilance in resisting sinful desires.
Ask God to help you live intentionally as His representative on earth.

Day 5

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17 assures us that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! As new creations in Christ, we are called to live in the newness of life, fully embracing our renewed identity and purpose. This transformation should be evident in every aspect of our lives, breaking away from past behaviors and aligning with our new nature.

Accepting Christ's transformative work in us calls for a commitment to growing and maturing spiritually. This means continually turning away from our old ways and allowing the Holy Spirit to shape us into Christ’s image, reflecting His love and righteousness to the world.

How has your life changed since accepting Christ?
What old habits do you need to let go of to fully embrace your new identity in Christ?
How can you actively grow and mature in your faith daily?
Pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance in continually transforming you.
Seek God's strength to let go of old habits and embrace your new life in Christ.