10/13/2024 Why Doesn’t God Give Me What I Want

5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. Through scripture and reflection, we will explore the core message of the sermon, emphasizing the relationship between happiness and holiness and how to pursue a meaningful life in alignment with God's purpose.

Day 1

1 Peter 1:15-16
In the pursuit of joy and happiness, we often forget that God has called us to a higher standard of living — one that is holy and set apart for His purpose. Today, as we reflect on this passage, let’s remember that our happiness, while important, should not overshadow our call to holiness. This balance is essential for growth in our spiritual journey.

God desires for us to experience genuine joy that aligns with His teachings. When we seek happiness in the things of this world, we stray from our true purpose. As we dive into this week's devotional, let’s focus on how we can deepen our relationship with Him and embrace a lifestyle that reflects His holiness — an inner joy that is not circumstantial but rooted in His loving presence.

Where have I placed my happiness above my relationship with God?
What areas of my life need more holiness?
How can I align my pursuits with God's purpose for my life?
Pray for the wisdom to discern areas where you’re seeking happiness over holiness.
Ask God to reveal how you can reflect His holiness in your daily life.

Day 2

Romans 12:2
In a world that encourages the pursuit of immediate pleasure, Romans 12:2 calls us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Holiness is not just about following rules; it's about a transformation that takes place within us when we fully surrender to God. Today, reflect on the ways you can cultivate this transformation through prayer, scripture, and community.

As you focus on renewing your mind, remember that God’s intentions for your life are good. When we redirect our thoughts and desires towards His will, we open the door to a deeper relationship with Him, filled with lasting joy that transcends our circumstances. Embrace the renewal that God offers, and allow it to lead you into a life that brings glory to Him.

What old habits or mindsets do I need to let go of?
How can I create space in my life for God's transformation?
Who can I share my journey with for accountability and encouragement?
Pray for a renewed mind and heart as you seek to align with God’s will.
Ask for strength to let go of any negative thoughts that hold you back.

Day 3

Philippians 4:11-13
Finding contentment in every circumstance is a hallmark of a mature faith. In Philippians 4, Paul illustrates this profound truth: happiness is not based on our situation but on our strength in Christ. We are often tempted to believe that our happiness depends on external factors, but true fulfillment stems from knowing our identity in Christ.

As we engage with today’s scripture, let’s reflect on ways to cultivate gratitude and reliance on God. Happiness rooted in His strength empowers us to face challenges with grace. By focusing on what He has done and what He continues to do, we can experience joy that is steadfast, regardless of our circumstances.

In what situations do I find it hardest to be content?
How can I remind myself of God's goodness when times are tough?
What specific area of my life do I need to surrender to God?
Ask God to help you find contentment through reliance on His strength.
Pray for a heart that is grateful for both the highs and lows of life.

Day 4

Matthew 6:33
In Matthew 6:33, we are reminded to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. The path to holiness is intertwined with our pursuit of God’s kingdom, where our hearts align with His heart. When we adjust our focus to prioritize His will, we find that the distractions of the world fade, and our happiness begins to align with divine purpose.

As we seek God above all else, we are invited into a deeper relationship that encompasses both joy and a commitment to holiness. This alignment brings a sense of peace and fulfillment that the world cannot offer. Today, reflect on ways you can intentionally seek God's Kingdom, allowing His desires to shape your pursuits and joy.

What does seeking God's Kingdom look like in my daily life?
What distractions can I eliminate to prioritize my relationship with God?
How can I witness to others about the joy of pursuing holiness?
Pray for the ability to focus on seeking God above all else.
Ask God to help you recognize and eliminate distractions in your life.

Day 5

Psalm 16:11
Psalm 16:11 beautifully states that God will make known to us the path of life; in His presence, there is fullness of joy. This verse encapsulates the heart of our devotional journey — recognizing that happiness is found in the presence of God. His joy fills our hearts when we align ourselves with Him and pursue holiness above temporary pleasures.

As we conclude this week’s devotional, consider the significance of cultivating a relationship with God that prioritizes holiness. It is in His presence that we find our true identity and purpose. Ultimately, it is through His love and guidance that we discover joy that lasts, encouraging us to pursue a life that reflects His glory and grace.

How can I better experience God's presence in my life?
What changes do I need to make to prioritize my relationship with God?
In what ways can I share the joy of God's presence with others?
Pray for a deeper understanding of God's presence in your life.
Ask God to help you share His joy with those around you.