04/07/2024 - After The Credits

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. Reflecting on the essence of post-Easter experiences, we will explore how to sustain our spiritual momentum and apply the lessons learned into our everyday lives.


Day 1

Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus invites all who are weary to find rest in Him. As we enter this devotional journey, let's remind ourselves of the rest and ease that Jesus offers — a stark contrast to the busy, unfulfilling grind of our daily routines. Christ’s yoke is easy, His burden light. It is in Him that we find true rest for our weary souls.

In light of this scripture, consider how we can reframe our view of rest, not just as an escape from life's chaos, but as an embrace of the spiritual peace Jesus provides. This rest is an active pursuit, one that involves stepping away from the noise to find solace and strength in Him.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life's demands? How does the promise of Jesus' rest resonate with you in those moments?
In what ways can you incorporate rest into your spiritual practice to create balance?
How can you help others around you find the rest that Jesus offers?
Pray for Jesus to show you the areas of your life that need rest, and ask for strength to surrender those burdens to Him.
Reflect on gratitude for Jesus' love and care, thanking Him for the deep peace He brings into our lives.

Day 2

Ephesians 5:14
The call to awaken and rise from the dead into the light of Christ is about transformation and recognition of our new path. Day 2 of our devotional examines our spiritual alertness. Are we awake to the world around us, aware of the direction we're heading, and the choices we make?

Just as Christ was raised from the dead, we're invited to rise in a spiritual sense every day, emerging from the shadows of our past behaviors and thoughts. This awakening should change how we prioritize our time and interactions with the world around us, guiding our steps into actions that reflect our new life in Christ.

What 'dead' areas in your life need the light of Christ to bring resurrection and renewal?
How can you become more spiritually vigilant, ready to respond to Christ's direction?
Reflect on an instance where you felt spiritually awakened. What changes followed that experience?
Pray for awareness of God's presence in your daily life, and for the courage to walk in His light.
Ask God to reveal aspects of your life that need revival, and for the faith to believe in the transformative power of His light.

Day 3

Luke 10:38-42
Martha and Mary's story highlights the balance between service and contemplation. Day 3 encourages us to reflect on the importance of sitting at Jesus' feet, learning from Him, and prioritizing our relationship with Him over the distractions and tasks of life.

As we ponder Mary's choice to focus on Jesus, it challenges us to assess our priorities. Are we more like Martha, overwhelmed with busyness, or like Mary, who chose the ‘better part’? Let's explore the profound peace found in listening to Jesus, allowing His words and presence to guide and soothe our hearts.

What tasks or distractions might be keeping you from spending quality time with Jesus?
How can you practice being more like Mary in your daily routine?
Can you identify an area of your life that would benefit from the 'better part' Mary chose?
Pray for the discernment to recognize distractions and the discipline to prioritize time with Jesus.
Ask God to help you find a healthy balance between service and worship, action and contemplation.

Day 4

Acts 2:42-47
The early church in Acts stood out due to their devotion, unity, and generosity. For Day 4, we reflect on this tight-knit community that thrived on fellowship, shared resources, and an unyielding commitment to prayer and worship.

By examining their life together, we can draw inspiration for our own communities. How can we better support and uplift one another? How can we create a spiritual ecosystem that fosters growth, support, and Kingdom work among us?

What does fellowship mean to you, and how do you practice it within your community?
In what ways could you share your resources or time with those in need around you?
How does the example of the early church in Acts inspire you to engage in your spiritual community?
Pray for opportunities to foster deep, meaningful relationships within your spiritual community.
Ask God to open your heart to the needs around you, and for the willingness to respond generously.

Day 5

Mark 4:16-17
On our final day, we contemplate the soil of our hearts and the roots of our faith. The message of Jesus' parable about the sower encourages us to nurture deep roots to withstand troubles and persecution. It begs the question - are our hearts fertile ground for God's Word to take hold and flourish?

Let's use this day to commit to cultivating a resilient, faith-filled heart that not only receives God's Word with joy but allows it to transform us from within. This is about solidifying our faith so it may sustain us through all seasons of life.

Which type of soil best describes the current state of your heart? Why do you feel this way?
What challenges have tested the depth of your faith, and how have you responded?
How might you tend to your spiritual growth to ensure your roots go deep?
Pray for your heart to be receptive and strong, a welcoming place for God's truth and love.
Ask God for persistence in the disciplines that help faith grow deep and for resilience in the face of trials.