06/30/2024 Bold Faith

5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We will explore the theme of having bold faith and making bold requests to God, just as the blind man did in Luke 18. Through these devotional days, we'll find encouragement to approach Jesus with our needs and trust in His unfailing compassion and power.


Day 1

Luke 18:35-43

In Luke 18:35-43, we see a blind man sitting by the roadside begging. Upon hearing that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, he cried out, "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me." Despite being rebuked by the crowd, his bold faith drove him to shout all the more. This story vividly illustrates that true faith not only persists in the face of adversity but also dares to make bold requests of God.

The blind man’s bold faith caught Jesus’ attention, and his persistent crying out led to a miraculous healing. Jesus honored his faith by not only stopping but also asking, "What do you want me to do for you?" This question is extended to us today. Are we bold enough to stand before our Savior and present our deepest needs and desires?

How often do I approach Jesus with my deepest needs?
What holds me back from making bold requests to God?
How can I cultivate a faith that perseveres despite opposition?
Pray for the courage to make bold requests to God.
Ask Jesus to reveal areas in your life where you need to exercise bold faith.

Day 2

Matthew 11:28

The invitation of Jesus in Matthew 11:28 is simple yet profound: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Jesus, full of compassion, calls out to us to bring our burdens to Him. In our weariness and brokenness, He offers us rest and peace, turning our chaos into calm.

Jesus' invitation isn't just a call for rest but an opportunity to experience His unconditional love and provision. When we come to Jesus, acknowledging our limitations and burdens, we open the door for Him to work miracles in our lives. Are you willing to go to Him with bold faith and trust in His promise of rest?

Do I recognize when I am weary and in need of Jesus' rest?
What stops me from bringing my burdens to Jesus?
In what ways have I experienced Jesus’ peace in times of chaos?
Ask for the grace to recognize and admit your weariness and burdens.
Pray for the rest and peace that only Jesus can provide.

Day 3

Philippians 4:6-7

Philippians 4:6-7 invites us to "present our requests to God" with thanksgiving, promising that "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This passage reinforces the importance of bold faith in prayer and trusting in God's peace.

When we come to God with our bold requests, we are encouraged not to be anxious but to trust in His ultimate provision. Our boldness in prayer should come with the assurance that God's peace will guard us, no matter the outcome. Are we ready to bring our anxieties to Him and trust in His peace?

What are my biggest anxieties that I need to bring to God?
How can I incorporate thanksgiving into my prayer life?
What does it mean for God's peace to guard my heart and mind?
Pray for God's peace to fill your heart and mind as you present your requests.
Thank God for His constant provision and protection.

Day 4

James 4:2-3

James 4:2-3 highlights a key reason our requests may not be answered, "You do not have because you do not ask God." This scripture encourages us to examine our motives and the boldness of our faith. Are we asking God with pure intentions, or are we hesitant to ask at all?

Our bold faith requires us to bring our genuine needs to God without selfish motives. Jesus is ready to answer our prayers when we come to Him with sincerity. It’s a call to reassess our prayer life and our openness to ask boldly for what we need, trusting God’s will.

What prevents me from asking God for what I need?
How can I ensure my motives are aligned with God's will?
In what ways can I deepen my faith to ask boldly?
Pray for clarity in your motives when making requests to God.
Ask for a heart aligned with God's will in your prayers.

Day 5

Mark 11:24

Mark 11:24 teaches us, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." This bold promise from Jesus stresses the power of faith and belief in our prayers, urging us to trust fully in God’s response.

Our faith should be unwavering, believing firmly in God’s ability to provide. When we pray with bold faith, we align ourselves with God’s promises and open the door for His blessings to flow. Are we ready to pray with such boldness, truly believing in God’s provision?

Do I believe in the promises of God when I pray?
How can I nurture a bold and unwavering faith?
What can I do to strengthen my trust in God’s responses?
Pray for an unwavering faith that trusts God’s promises.
Ask for the boldness to make big prayers and trust in God's response.