03/24/2024 - You in 5 Years

This five-day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend, focusing on the impact of our current habits on our future selves, both spiritually and in other areas of life. Join us as we explore how to align our actions with our desires for the future.


Day 1

Galatians 6:7-9

Today, we reflect on the profound truth that we reap what we sow. This principle applies to all aspects of life, whether it's our spiritual walk, our relationships, or our personal habits. It's important to acknowledge that our daily choices lay the groundwork for our future. Consider how small, positive habits built each day can lead to significant spiritual growth over time.

Paul's words in Galatians remind us to stay diligent in doing good work, even when we do not see immediate results. Our perseverance in sowing seeds of righteousness, no matter how small, promises a harvest if we do not give up. Let's commit to making choices each day that lead us closer to God and a future filled with hope.

What current habit do you believe could significantly affect your spiritual health in five years?
In what ways can you become more diligent in 'doing good' on a daily basis?
How does the message of patience and persistence in Galatians 6:9 speak into your life right now?
Pray for wisdom to recognize habits that lead away from God.
Pray for strength and patience to persist in good works, even when they seem insignificant or difficult.

Day 2

James 1:22-25

Today, we're called to not only listen to the Word but to actively apply it in our lives. Often, we find ourselves as passive consumers of the message, without committing to concrete action. To see transformation in our lives, we must act upon God's teachings, turning intention into action.

As we look to the future, our dreams and aspirations can only be reached if we put our faith into practice. Let us strive to be doers who build their lives on the foundation of God's wisdom. This requires an honest self-examination and the courage to make necessary changes.

Which of God's teachings do you find most challenging to implement in your life?
How have you seen your life transformed by actively applying the Word in your daily decisions?
In what area do you need to move from intention to action?
Ask God to help you be a doer of the Word, putting it into practice in your life.
Pray for bravery to confront and alter habits that are not in line with His will.

Day 3

Matthew 6:33

In the pursuit of our five-year vision, it's essential to prioritize our relationship with God, seeking His kingdom above all else. As we align our desires and intentions with God's will, we'll find that the other aspects of our lives will follow suit. This alignment requires an active choice to put God first every day.

Where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. Let us challenge ourselves to invest in spiritual treasures that have eternal significance. By doing so, our future selves will stand on a solid foundation, rich in faith and satisfaction that comes from living a life in pursuit of God's kingdom.

How can you practically 'seek first the kingdom of God' in your current stage of life?
What changes might you need to make in your life priorities to align more closely with God's will?
Where are you investing your time and resources, and how does that reflect your spiritual priorities?
Seek guidance in setting priorities that honor God and further His kingdom.
Pray for the right perspective about worldly achievements versus kingdom achievements.

Day 4

1 Timothy 4:8

Physical training holds some value, but godliness is valuable in every aspect, promising benefits for both the present life and the one to come. It's crucial to incorporate spiritual disciplines into our daily routine, much like we might adhere to physical exercise for our health.

As we continue to embark on this five-year journey, reflect on ways you can train yourself in godliness—through prayer, study of the Word, and worship. True transformation occurs from the inside out, shaping not just our present life but also our eternal destiny.

What spiritual disciplines do you currently practice, and which do you need to develop further?
In what way does physical training metaphorically relate to your spiritual life?
How can you be more consistent in your spiritual exercises?
Ask for discipline and consistency in engaging with spiritual practices.
Pray for a deepening desire for godliness and transformation.

Day 5

Philippians 3:13-14

As we draw this devotional to a close, we are reminded by Paul to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead. Our past successes and failures should not hold us back, but rather, we should press on toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Let this be the underpinning of our five-year vision: to reach the end with a heart more like Jesus’, for the prize of a godly life amidst earthly challenges. Our actions today have the power to shape the path towards this ultimate goal. Invest in a future that echoes with eternal significance.

What from your past do you need to let go of in order to move forward?
How can focusing on the 'upward call of God in Christ Jesus' help shape your actions today?
What goal will you set for yourself to press toward in your spiritual life?
Pray for the motivation to move past your history and on to your destiny in Him.
Ask God to reveal His heavenly calling for you, giving you the strength to pursue it.