03/31/2024 - The Great Rescue

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. Together, we will explore the unconditional love of Jesus, the one who calls you 'the one He loves,' and how this powerful truth can transform our lives. By reflecting on scripture and the main themes presented in the recent sermon, we aim to find personal applications and renewed inspiration for our walk with God.


Day 1

John 3:16

The heart of the Gospel message hinges on the profound love expressed in John 3:16. As we delve into today's devotional, let us reflect on the expansive and inclusive nature of God's love. It’s a love so immense that it willingly embraces our brokenness and meets us in the midst of our pain.

Despite the outer appearance we often present to the world, Christ sees beyond our masks and encounters us with a personal, unwavering affection. Like a shepherd pursues a lost sheep, Jesus pursues you. In Him, we find the promise of a steadfast love that speaks directly to our individual pain and challenges.

How does it make you feel to be called 'the one that Jesus loves'?
In what areas of your life do you need to experience Jesus’ love more deeply?
Reflect on a time when you felt lost and consider how God might have been seeking you out even then.
Pray for an openness to fully accept the depth of Jesus’ love for you.
Ask God to help you recognize His pursuit of you, especially in times of loneliness or despair.

Day 2

Luke 15:4

Imagine the determination of a shepherd searching for one lost sheep out of a hundred. Luke 15:4 paints this picture of a relentless God who stops at nothing to seek and save the lost. Today, let us focus on the lengths to which God will go to restore each of us to Himself — a testament to His individualized care and concern.

This image of relentless pursuit can reshape our understanding of worth in God’s eyes. When we truly grasp that we are 'the one' in this parable, it can change our self-perception and encourage us to live in the security of His care.

How does the parable of the lost sheep increase your understanding of God's individual love for you?
In what ways do you need to be 'found' by God in your current life situation?
Can you think of a situation where you felt particularly loved and pursued by God?
Pray for the courage to trust in God’s relentless pursuit of you.
Ask for the humility to be led back when you realize you've strayed.

Day 3

1 John 4:8-10

1 John reminds us that 'God is love' — love defines His very being, and His actions towards us are outpourings of that love. Today, as we explore these verses, let us understand that God’s initiative to love us is entirely independent of our own actions. His love is proactive, not reactive.

God’s love led to the ultimate sacrifice: sending Jesus as an atoning offering for our sins. This profound truth speaks to the core of our faith and invites us to live each day assured that we are deeply cherished by our Creator.

What does it mean to you to believe that 'God is love'?
Reflect on how the concept of atonement through Jesus makes you feel about your relationship with God.
How can you live differently today, knowing that you are 'the one that Jesus loves'?
Pray to experience God's love in a way that transforms your daily life.
Ask for a heart that is receptive to the sacrificial love demonstrated through Christ.

Day 4

Luke 9:51-56

In Luke 9, we encounter the bold fervor of the disciples James and John, known as the 'sons of thunder.' This passion, while initially misguided, was transformed by their time with Jesus. Let us consider how our own zeal can be channeled towards compassion and forgiveness through Christ's influence and love in our lives.

As we mature in faith, the transformation that Jesus brings should shift our identity toward being defined by His love. In the same way, John came to be known as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved.' May we also come to a place where love is at the center of who we are.

How have your own passions and drives been transformed since encountering the love of Jesus?
Can you identify with John's transformation from 'son of thunder' to 'the disciple whom Jesus loved'?
In what ways can you allow your identity to be more rooted in being loved by Christ?
Pray for a transformation that aligns your passions with God’s heart.
Ask God to help you grow in understanding and embodying His love daily.

Day 5

Romans 5:8

In Romans 5:8, we find an incredible declaration of God's love: He loved us while we were still sinners. It's a love that didn't wait for us to become perfect; it's a love that took the first step. Today, contemplate the implications of this unconditional love and the new life we are called to live in response.

As we internalize the reality of God's grace, let this final day of the devotional be a call to embrace our identity as 'the one that Jesus loves' and to live from a place of forgiveness and grace, knowing that nothing can separate us from His love.

What does 'while we were still sinners, Christ died for us' mean for your personal walk with God?
How does the grace extended to us inspire you to extend grace to others?
In light of God’s unconditional love, what changes are you prompted to make in your life?
Pray for a heart that is grateful for God's unmerited grace and love.
Ask for the strength to walk in the identity of one who is truly loved by Jesus, letting it shape your actions and words.